You always peak
You-shaped valley
Dipping down into your homes
You need me to soak the dry meadows
As I struggle for a place to keep warm
I filled my land out
A relief, as nothing gets through
Water drains in the bath
when I stand up
Didn’t want this
The only chance I had
Didn’t want rock fragments toughening
To make hidden gems
Now my body’s undiscoverable
I become a mystery
And wanted to be something true
They ask if I’m OK
and plates shift
I turn the response into a laugh
There is a threat of violated volcanoes
Hosed down shame
as you say never, she’s nothing
(You’re not sure what they want you to do)
What’s frothing and spewing
It’s just over-excited
The drama that
Will never last
Whipping herself up into hysteria
The stone bullies silence her with
their wrath
To make them less
You wanted a quarry
to build an income on
Drenched by, dancing in
the waterfall
That accidentally became
one of my side quests
I create something
Never attributed
All the mountains do, is laugh
It doesn’t matter where the
pebbles ripple from
Still looking for desirability
No power, just a brook
Desire pulls me apart
Because, when the depths of the shallow waters are reflected
You’re curious to take a look
There are only points in there
for giving
She has no longevity
All ‘the wants’
All she took
Look, in ten years, they tell everyone
At ‘Who we have left’
Those who claimed their, rightful, tickets from the start, only
Never for the gentleness
and fragility of your heart
Plates are mapped
No voices raised
You silence us. It was expected
There’s not even a celebratory, yes!
The rocky violators
Morphing into the rest
The ones guaranteed their place
Cheat sheets
and someone on the
payroll to do their tests