I did feel / hope that you would be listening
I speak passionately, with such care
or such contrition
You didn’t even absorb my words enough
To use words against me as ammunition
Hollow, empty vowels
You devour, ‘tasteless’
I take them out and play with them
Like a child
You unplug the sinkhole
Turn your back, disgusted
and let them all drain out
This is why the water works
came like angry clouds
Splattered bird excrement on a rusty sink
That’s how my words come to be
shut down
So, started to live in ink
I repeat myself
and explain things in different,creative ways
as I don’t expect people to listen to me
Then I worry that they’d listen more if I didn’t repeat myself!
But there will be people for whom you’d only have to say things once
My words have fear, power, prodding
like hands reaching, inconsiderately,
For alphabetised play with hot stove
and sharp cooking tongs
You dump in cold water
Then tut and clap your hands
it doesn’t matter what the font
I can dress them up
But, in your kitchen, my words
will always be wrong
I don’t need nobody
I don’t need anything
Except, I’d not so secretly like
you to see my words come alive
When I put hands to the notes app
And poetry voices my soul
In the way that some expose
their insides when they sing
Make them live in inside’s relating
It’s the connection
The connection is my win
New Year thoughts..
Don’t put pressure on yourself
I look at love from both sides now 12 Days of Christmas (that I made the decision to do late) - days of poetry, some ideas.. https://www.taratalks.net/post/from-both-sides